Press review tool and media clipping service
How to build a press review with a media clipping service ?
Carry out a press review
Putting together a press review allows you to show how newspapers and magazines treat and analyze the facts in order to present them to their readers. Reviewing the press is a great way to become aware of the diversity of media attitudes and perspectives on current affairs. Carrying out a press review means compiling the newspapers that publish articles on the subject to be covered.
In the corporate world, the press review consists of analyzing everything that is said about the company, its competitors or the industry in general. It becomes a commercial argument when a post highlights the company, a real strategic tool promoting knowledge of your market.

Collect informations with a press review tool
Press review tool : to carry out a press review, you have to start by noting everything that has to do with the news of the day. You can put together an information panel on the highlights of the day with a press review tool. It is then a matter of cutting out the headlines and headlines from one, putting them on a sheet of paper, taking care to position them according to the importance of the headings and their position on the page.
This work already makes it possible to make the following observations : what are the subjects on the front page? What titles are common to the different newspapers, what are the similarities and differences in the statements? It is then already possible to carry out a press review of the titles of the day.
Media clipping service : method and, benefits
If you are new to media clipping service , you can use the following method. Start by selecting at least five articles, going through them one by one to read them. Then you will highlight the important information you want to show.
You will summarize each article and try to link the different summary paragraphs together using connecting words by condensing the sentences you have highlighted. Proofread your text to make sure it is coherent. Do not forget to mention the source of the content and not just with the mention, but with “according to the newspaper …” followed by a little personal analysis.

Daily media information review
The media clipping service or daily press watch provides the most important information published by press sources. It is personalized according to the needs and professions of the recipients. It provides for each impact, the title, the source, the publication date and the beginning of the article in order to offer the reader an easy and quick reading. A classic press review can also incorporate topics from various fields and industries to meet the information needs of each team.
Thanks to a media clipping service tool, press reviews can also be created every week, at the end of each month, as needed, if the daily press watch does not make sense. They are accessible in paper or digital format via a powerful press freelance tool, or quite simply via email or via an RSS feed.
In this article we may use different words to designate comparable concepts, here-under some examples :
- pr clipping
- benefits of media monitoring
- pr clippings and media clipping service
- pr coverage report
- online press clipping service
- coverage report pr
- media monitoring benefits
- media clipping report
- clipping tool
Benefits of a media clipping service
A traditional press review (also called clipping) brings together in a single document the original articles published in the media. Today, articles are generally made available in digital form (that’s why you can use a digital press review tool), offering readers a multitude of advantages over traditional press reviews, including:
- Access 24/7 from any location
- Real-time information
- Simultaneous access to multiple readers
- Digitized archives
- Time saving
Media clipping service : data sources tools
Press review for the marketing and communication department
In the marketing and communication departments, press monitoring is often used to:
- Obtain daily information on key themes
- Occasionally analyze the media visibility of a company
- Monitor the media coverage of competitors
- Identify new growth opportunities
Press review : data sources
A comprehensive press review should include all relevant publications. This involves paper publications and digital publications. And to facilitate access, manipulation and retrieval of information, it must provide access to these publications through a single platform. A digital press review tool can be used.
- Daily & weekly
- Specialized press
- Magazines

Media clipping service, press review and press review tool
Press relations
Press relations represent all the actions carried out for the press (written press, radio, television, internet) and journalists in order to obtain valuable press coverage for the company and for its products or services. This press coverage appears in the form of articles, to be distinguished from advertising space. It is generally carried out by press relations agencies, or communication actors. To relay this information to the media, several media can be used. The press release, the press kit, the press conference … We get lost quickly!
Press review
It brings together all the press coverage disseminated in the media. To gather press coverage, you can use a press review tool. The press review allows you to know how the media treat and analyze the subject, and to know the journalists most interested in the sector of activity. It also allows employees, partners and investors to know what is being said about the structure.
The press review always consists of
- A cover page, on which must appear the name of the company, the title of the press review and the period over which it is carried out (Ex: 2020, June to September 2020 …).
- A summary: with the name of the medium, the title of the article and the number of pages, in order to find an article more quickly.
- Articles: with the name of the media and its logo, the publication date of the article and the content of the article. For the written press, it is also possible to add the number of the magazine. It is also possible to give audience figures, or the number of readers or Internet users, so that customers, employees, investors or even partners can see the influence of press coverage.
- A last page to close the press review, with the name of the press relations agency, its logo, and the contact details of the press officer.
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