Press clipping tool and coverage book
Press clipping PR tool and coverage book
We carry out coverage book quickly at an advantageous price
Doing a coverage book (when not using a press clipping service) is tedious and time-consuming work. You have probably already experienced this. You have to start by collecting the articles, which already takes a considerable amount of time. This affects the coverage book price.
The most painful is especially to lay out the articles (clip). Because all the clips you are going to collect are not in the same format. Which means you’re going to spend a lot of time trying to crop all of these elements to try and layout them neatly in a prescribed size such as A4 in landscape or portrait. Bookizer, press clipping tool is usefull to build a coverage book.(
We will quickly produce a professional, comprehensive and clear document with a press clipping tool. While you will spend hours to finally produce a document that is not very homogeneous and has a rather amateur look.
We only need a few hours to deliver a coverage book in PDF or html format that can be viewed directly online. That is why professional use presse clipping tool.
Press clipping and coverage book price
Coverage book price : choose a weekly, monthly or one-off frequency
By nature, the press review is a document that changes every week or every month depending on the nature of the subject dealt with.
We can send you on a regular basis (weekly, monthly, annual or unique) by email a Coverage book on the subject you want (a brand, a company, etc.) in PDF format or in html format that can be viewed online.
We can include any type of source : newspapers, online press, radio, video. Free Pr tool.
Press review award : doing a coverage book requires professional press clipping tool
We use professional press clipping tools, to carry out coverage book. Tools to detect media releases (clip) and tools to create a comfortable and professional homogeneous layout. press clipping tool.
It is hardly possible to proceed with collages of images on a powerpoint or word… a practice that was until recently.
It is a time consuming task and the result is often unprofessional in form and substance.
In this article we may use different words to designate comparable concepts, here-under some examples :
- pr clipping and coverage book
- benefits of media monitoring
- pr an press clipping
- pr coverage report
- online press clipping service
- coverage report pr
- media monitoring benefits
- media clipping report
- clipping tool
A credible tool
Press clipping : a reassuring and credible communication tool
A press review, done with a press press clipping tool, gathers all the media releases that you have obtained. It is a document that reassures your employees, prospects and customers. Bookizer is an example of press clipping tool.
It’s more effective than any commercial speech because it’s third parties talking about you. Credibility is significantly increased.
Coverage book, using a press clipping tool
A coverage book, using a press clipping tool, on one’s own business is useful as an internal or external communication tool.
It is also relevant to consider it on the field of your competitors. The media perception of your competitors is also useful information.When putting together the press review we will inevitably discover positive and sometimes negative news … you are then free to act to correct this negative media exposure.
You will likewise discover negative elements associated with your competitor. It also makes it possible to detect “market trends” in time.
Price, how much does it cost ?
The price of a press clipping, done with a press clipping tool, depends on several factors: frequency, number of media families monitored (TV, radio, print, online, etc.). By frequency we mean the periodicity: daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
We then have a pricing system that makes it possible to receive press reviews on a regular basis (according to the requested frequency).
Public relations is “a strategic communication process” which builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their audiences ”.
Note that the words press review and media do not appear anywhere in this definition. However, if you were to ask someone on the street or a lot of PR professionals for a definition, they would surely say something about press reviews.
The PR industry is built on getting media coverage and therefore a related press review.
While many PR pros used the press review as a tactic, coverage was a means to an end. It helped them reach people.
Press review and press clipping

Many practioners aim for media coverage and press clipping
Many practitioners aim for media coverage. Sometimes PR plans are all about coverage, including it as a tactic, strategy, and goal. It’s a bad way to develop and plan, but it happens a lot.Pursuing coverage has become a flaw in the public relations industry. Does your client have an interesting launch, announcement or news ?
“Pitchering” and getting coverage becomes the easy way, and proves that public relations efforts have paid off. Creating a coverage book for your employer or client is hard work.
Press clipping strategy
The industry’s dependence on the media is an example of the PR strategy problem. When notified of an upcoming announcement and requesting a plan to back it up, most PR professionals immediately think of potential people to target. They want the ad to reach as many people as possible.
Why don’t we think more about who really needs to know ?
Many PR professionals think of doing this by segmenting and targeting posts.
However, targeting, segmenting and prioritizing audiences is not limited to finding industry publications. It is having a deep and intimate knowledge of the people who might buy a product or service.
The press is very rarely a corporate audience, but too often communications professionals view journalists as a target rather than a means of reaching a target.
Best pr tools and media monitoring service and social, press clipping service, press release, press clipping report template, press clippings example, press clippings app, free pr tools, media monitoring tools are topics in this article.

What are the most significant indicators of press coverage?
1- Media coverage
One of the most important indicators of press coverage is the media coverage obtained after a press relations campaign. To measure this, a press review must be carried out, taking into account the desired media perimeter, in order to determine the volume of coverage obtained in the most qualitative media with regard to the objectives pursued.
In this sense, a preliminary breakdown by type of press is necessary: national or regional press, national or regional audiovisual media, press agencies, general, specialized or professional magazines, but also general or specialized websites, blogs, social networks.
Geographic coverage is also important. It consists of an analysis of the press coverage according to the geographical areas relevant to the company or the brand, by region or by country.
Considering the magnitude of the task, it is preferable to work with a service provider specialized in media monitoring.
2 - Share of voice
The share of voice corresponds to the media coverage of a company or a brand compared to its direct competitors, and gives an indication of its positioning in its sector of activity. This indicator allows an analysis of press coverage by sector and by competitor. It is the equivalent of a market share evaluation, but in terms of press coverage.
Share of voice measures either the volume or the reach of press coverage, or both. Depending on the PR strategy adopted, a company/brand will favor one or the other measure, depending on whether it considers it more important to obtain a higher volume of mentions than its competitors or to be mentioned in fewer but more popular and/or more authoritative media.
3 - Perception of the company or brand
The notion of “perception” refers to the way the media talks about the company or the brand. Creating a qualitative press kit is a good way to influence this perception. Through this indicator, press coverage is analyzed according to the tone of the content. Is the tone positive, negative or neutral? What is the preferred lexical field? Is the context of the content positive or negative?
In terms of press fallout For example, the media may talk about a product by highlighting its innovative features, its attractive price, its ease of use, or its attractive aesthetic. This gives an indication of how the product in question will be perceived by public opinion.
4 - Qualitative indicators
The qualitative press coverage indicators assess the quality of the mentions that are made in the media. Three key indicators can be distinguished:
- The nature of the mention.
The analysis of press coverage must distinguish between the various types of mentions obtained by a company or a brand in the media, depending on whether it is a simple quote, a more precise mention or dedicated content. We are interested in the nature and size of the content (articles, news briefs, features, interviews, reports), as well as the placement of the brand on the page (in the title, in the heading, in the body of the text) and the possible external links that refer to the company’s website.
- Media authority
Press coverage in Le Monde or in an obscure specialized blog do not have the same impact. Therefore, taking into account the authority of the targeted media makes sense: not only does it determine the quality of the media coverage and the possibility of getting effective coverage, but it also allows you to identify the digital media where it is interesting to place backlinks.
- Key message reproduction
This indicator reports on the media’s take-up of the messages that constitute the main reason for the company’s or brand’s communication campaign. The recovery rate is equal to the number of press coverage mentioning these messages, compared to the total volume of coverage. A high rate is a guarantee of a controlled brand image.
5 - Quantitative indicators
Quantitative press coverage indicators allow you to measure the performance of a press relations campaign based on tangible data, directly linked to the company’s objectives.
For example:
- The number of press contacts (e.g., the open rate of emails containing press releases).
- Audience reached (number of readers, listeners, viewers, subscribers).
- Traffic volume (the number of visitors directed to the company’s website).
- The volume of traffic (the number of visitors directed to the company’s website from third-party sites: this is called “referral” traffic).
- The rate of leads generated by the links included in the media coverage (newsletter sign-ups, downloads, pre-orders).
- The number of shares on social networks (content shared by users with their own community).
- Visibility on search engines (the results that appear, for example in Google, when you type the name of the company or brand).
All these indicators allow for a relevant analysis of the press impact and facilitate the measurement of the return on investment. It is then possible to quantify the impact of press relations campaigns on sales.
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