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TogglePress coverage
Press coverage
Definition of press coverage or pr coverage report
What is a press review or media clipping report (also pr coverage report)? A press review is a specific production. This is a press coverage report, a summary of the titles of the general or specialized press, mainly from a written source (written or online press).
It is a “joint and comparative presentation of various comments emanating from different journalists and concerning the same theme or the same event press review or press report is a journalistic and entrepreneurial genre that consists of a compilation of general or specialized press articles, on a chosen geographic and temporal scale. This summary may legally fall within the scope of the press if it does not meet certain criteria, including free admission.
The “Press review” was invented under this name by Charles Maurras, in the Action Française, allowing him to criticize the ideas published in other press titles.
This review can be distributed on a written medium, but any other media medium can be chosen. Radio and television press reviews are common and often occupy a range of morning shows.

The “Press review” or media clipping report (also pr coverage report) was invented under this name by Charles Maurras, in the Action Française, allowing him to criticize the ideas published in other press titles.
This review can be distributed on a written medium, but any other media medium can be chosen. Radio and television press reviews are common and often occupy a range of morning shows.
But the term “review” or “panorama” is debated. Thus, for many organizations, the “press review” is the exhaustive listing of articles while the panorama is a selection of articles that are the most representative of points of view or subjects. Thus, press coverage reviews can reach hundreds of pages when the panorama seeks to be smaller but to allow a panoramic view.
What is a press coverage report for ?

The press coverage review or media clipping report (also pr coverage report) is the ideal tool to analyze the impact of your actions in the press and to improve your relations with journalists. There is no better way to know the different media, to discover the signatures, the favorite subjects of journalists.
It allows you to position yourself in relation to the competition. It informs executives about their sector of activity. It motivates the staff. It is only distributed internally. The coverage book selects the articles published during a year. It can be distributed to the company’s customers and partners.
What is a press review for ? Why write or read a press review ? A press review shows how the media (newspapers and magazines, radio, television, etc.) deal with the facts and present them to their audiences. Through its synthesis, it allows them to keep informed about a subject, an event, a domain, a sector of activity or a particular organization, to follow step by step all its novelties. And its developments, to know its echoes in the press.
The interest of a press review is also to reflect the pluralism of the media : variety of attitudes and points of view of the media vis-à-vis current events, diversity of opinions in France. Finally, the press coverage review is a creation in itself : it cannot be reduced to the simple juxtaposition of information. It stems from an original work of research and critical selection of information, personal analysis and synthesis. It highlights choices : choice of press sources and opinions, organization of information in the press review, choice of data and quotes, hindsight and humor…
How to build a press coverage book pr coverage report ?

Characteristics of a press coverage book and media coverage
There are 2 types of press reviews :
1- The thematic press review(known as media coverage or media clipping report: the editor chooses common information (a single subject, an event, a field, etc.) and compares the processing carried out in the various publications of the hurry. For example, it can identify the “pros” and “cons” or provide an overview of the various aspects highlighted in the press on this subject.
2- The Unes press review : the editor compiles the headlines of the information that are highlighted on the front page of newspapers on a certain day.
The press review and media covergae can be distributed on different media : written press, radio, television, Internet… The press review follows a particular logic : its information is classified, presented according to a plan and an angle (problematic…).
The press sources cited in the press review can be varied as well by their frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly…), their political orientation as by their area of distribution (departmental, regional, national, international) and their area of specialization (economics, politics, science, etc.)
And for each piece of information given, the press review offers several different sources and points of view which are presented either in opposition or in a complementary manner (details, nuances, etc.).
A press review must respect several rules :
- Respect for the right of reciprocity : compilation of several sources on the same subject.
- Organized grouping of information by headings, themes or events ; creation and classification work.
- Respect for copyright (moral and economic rights) : resumption of articles or information, short quotes which should not exempt the reader from reading the original article (Website : URL link to the original article), full mention of the author and the source allowing the reader to refer to it easily.
- Non-distortion of the spirit or the form of the cited work.
How to build a press coverage book and media coverage (or media clipping report)?
Context of press coverage
A press coverage review or media clipping report (also pr coverage report) is aimed at a specific audience. Its content varies depending on the target (general management, management, expatriates, operators, all staff). So-called institutional news press reviews allow the company or organization to keep abreast of what is being said about it or what is happening in its sector of activity.There are also “product” press reviews, “documentary” press reviews and audiovisual “freelancers” (transcriptions of radio or television interventions).
With the introduction of the Internet in businesses, press reviews or media clipping report are increasingly digitized and include a component for analyzing conversations on social networks.
How to use it ?
- Define the target, frequency and delivery time. A press review can be carried out every day, every week or every month. Daily, she follows the news. Weekly, it favors analysis. Monthly, it may include files and surveys. The diffusion delay depends on the target. Senior executives need it as early as 8 a.m. It is sufficient to distribute it at 11 a.m. to all staff.
- Choose the shape. You have the choice between resuming articles (reproduction) or summarizing them
Tips to build a press coverage book and media coverage or media clipping report
Methodology and advice
The press coverage review and media coverage (also pr coverage report) should never be an indigestible paving stone. It is a working tool which should be easy to read. It should not take more than half an hour to read it. When you cite only excerpts from an article, you should point it out.
Specialized companies can take care of producing press reviews for you. When you subscribe, you will specify the monitoring criteria and selection profiles that interest you. For example, Argus de la presse analyzes more than 17,000 publications in France and abroad. About ten companies provide similar services.
Advantage :
- The press coverage review and media coverage is a business intelligence tool. It allows him to situate himself in his sector of activity and to use the news wisely to make strategic decisions.
Precaution to take :
- A press coverage review should not censor certain articles or information on the pretext that they are negative for the company or the organization. It is a miscalculation. This “bad” information will eventually filter through and take on disproportionate importance. It is better then to abandon any idea of a press review.
Media coverage of events: How do you go about it?
Getting good media coverage(also pr coverage report) helps promote events. It helps attract people on the day, encouraging targets to register in advance. By strengthening your media presence, you reinforce your brand image. So whether you are an event planner, PR manager or other industry professional, the following tips will be invaluable.
We want to emphasize that it is not enough to have press coverage for your events, it is important that it is positive for you. In this sense, do not rush to the media without prior study. Your choices depend on the targets you want to reach, the message you want to convey and your financial resources. Don’t rush into anything.
Tips for effective media coverage or media clipping report for events
The media coverage of your events depends primarily on your timing. Since you are going to tell a story, emphasize why the audience should hear it at that particular time. There must be a strategic reason for your promotion. Next, make sure your topic fits the editorial line of your chosen media outlet. Familiarize yourself with the types of content they offer beforehand.
Media coverage of events
Targeting is also important in terms of event coverage or media clipping report. Clarify how the story would specifically benefit the media’s readership. You will need to work closely with the editor in this regard. Help them to easily visualize the message and choose their angle. Obviously, the basic questions need to be answered: Who? Who? What? Where? How? Why?
Send images to the media. This is often a painful step for them, as the illustrations are an integral part of the story you are asking them to tell. If you don’t provide them with all the elements they need, it could hinder media coverage of your events.
Be patient. The media gets hundreds of emails. So give them a few days to respond. In addition, they also need to discuss the relevance of your story internally. Nevertheless, once the campaign is launched, you need to know when to move to another channel, newspaper or magazine. If your proposals are not published after several reminders and without explanation, they may not meet the entity’s targeting and core topics. Then find some that best fit your message.
In the context of PR
In the context of PR, events and crisis communication, the notion of press coverage or media clipping report (also pr coverage report) corresponds to the echo given by the media to an event concerning a brand or a company. Media coverage is most often sought in the context of news favorable to the brand but it can also be feared in the context of crisis management.
Initially, the notion of press coverage (also pr coverage report) referred exclusively to press coverage in the broadest sense of the term (print and Internet media, radio, TV). Nowadays, it can also include coverage obtained on social networks by non-journalists who can be influencers or ordinary people.
Outside of crisis situations, obtaining media coverage is often one of the main objectives of corporate events (evening events, product launches, various events, etc.) and other press releases.
To help measure the return on investment of events, the media coverage obtained can be measured in advertising equivalents or in units of media noise.
For more details on the issues and determinants of media coverage, see also press coverage, press fallout and social fallout
Work with the media should be planned
Work with the media should be planned and organized systematically. Coverage supporting the campaign and its messages in print, radio, television and web-based information distributors can increase the visibility of the campaign, broaden its audience, and lend greater credibility to its message.
Campaigners distinguish between “placement” and “spontaneous” press coverage. Placement media productsare produced by the campaign or by a specialized organization, such as a public relations agency, hired for the occasion by the campaign team. Media placement of these products is usually paid for, but many campaigns on social issues have been able to mobilize the support of major PR agencies and the mass media for free (see also Fundraising in this module).
The advantage of placement press coverage (also pr coverage report)
The advantage of placement media coverage is that the campaign team retains virtually complete control over the presentation of the message. However, designing effective ads and buying ad space or airtime requires considerable resources. This also applies to “news placements,” the common practice of hiring PR firms to provide visible placement in the news media through columns, directed interviews, editorial pieces, etc.
Spontaneous media coverage is coverage produced by journalists, or a contribution submitted by the campaign (in the form of a letter to the editor or press release) that the media outlet may accept for publication. Unsolicited coverage is free, but it takes time and skill to build constructive relationships with journalists and guide them to ensure that their stories are positive and gender-sensitive. See also Tools for Spontaneous Media Coverage in this section.
What is negative press coverage?
Negative media coverage is defined as any type of unfavorable information found in a wide variety of news sources – both “traditional” media and those from unstructured sources. The risks associated with doing business with individuals or companies with an unfavorable media profile are many and varied.
Where does negative press coverage come from?
Negative media coverage can come from a variety of sources, including traditional news media such as newspapers in print or online, or news broadcast on radio and television. However, more and more negative news coverage can also come from blogs, web posts and unstructured sources such as social feeds and unstructured forums.
Why do I need to do negative press coverage checks?
Negative media coverage can indicate involvement in money laundering, financial fraud, drug trafficking, financial threat, organized crime, financial terrorism and more. These connections pose a serious reputational threat to companies and can lead to legal repercussions, especially if those companies operate in a regulated industry.
Why is it critical to automate controls on negative press coverage?
Despite the pressing need for effective and efficient media monitoring, traditional, manual solutions pose significant challenges for today’s compliance teams. Traditional processes typically group clients into “risk bands” of low, medium and high risk. This is a problem for a number of reasons:
– To comply with regulatory requirements, high-risk customers must be monitored on an ongoing basis. But the processes by which individuals are classified as high risk and subsequently monitored often leave much to be desired.
– Institutions use Internet searches, Internet article searches, and manual searches for negative information about each high-risk customer through an Internet search. Then, compliance staff must review these potential matches to determine if the person named in the media reports is indeed the person they are investigating. This type of research is incredibly labor-intensive and results in high compliance costs for institutions.
– Limitations to manual monitoring also mean that some media sources may be missed. In addition, these searches only provide a static snapshot of risk levels; in a world where coverage is updated by the second, this is insufficient.
In this rapidly changing media landscape, a process that relies on user-initiated searches cannot compete with automated approaches that alert institutions when there is something of interest. By using next-generation technology to easily tailor searches to your customer profiles and regulatory requirements, adverse media can be leveraged to give you a better understanding of your customers

Boost your business with PR Reports or media clipping report
In the world of marketing and public relations, the term “PR report” is becoming increasingly popular. It is a vital tool for any business looking to boost its online presence and gain visibility. In this article, we will delve deeper into what a PR report is, its importance, and how you can use it to improve your business’s overall performance.
What is a PR Report?
A PR report or media clipping report is a comprehensive analysis of your company’s public relations activities. It includes a detailed overview of your media coverage, social media presence, influencer outreach, and other activities related to public relations. The report aims to help you evaluate the effectiveness of your PR efforts and make informed decisions on future strategies.
Why is a press coverage or media clipping report Important?
A PR report provides an objective and data-driven evaluation of your company’s public relations activities. It helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, assess your media coverage, and measure the impact of your PR efforts on your business’s overall performance. With this information, you can fine-tune your PR strategies to better align with your business objectives and improve your overall ROI.
How to Use a PR Report to Boost Your Business
- A PR report (also pr coverage report) can be used in several ways to improve your business’s performance. Here are some strategies you can employ:
- Evaluate your media coverage: A PR report can help you track your media coverage and assess the impact of your PR campaigns on your target audience. By analyzing your media coverage, you can identify which publications or journalists are most receptive to your brand and use this information to fine-tune your media outreach strategy.
- Identify your brand influencers: A PR report can help you identify the influencers and thought leaders in your industry who are most receptive to your brand. By building relationships with these influencers, you can leverage their reach to amplify your brand message and increase your online visibility.
- Measure the impact of your social media presence: A PR report or media clipping report can help you assess the effectiveness of your social media campaigns by measuring your social media metrics, such as engagement rates, reach, and impressions. With this information, you can optimize your social media strategy and improve your overall online presence.
A PR report media clipping report is a vital tool for any business looking to boost its online presence and gain visibility. It provides a comprehensive analysis of your public relations activities and helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your PR efforts. By using a PR report to fine-tune your PR strategies, you can improve your overall performance and achieve your business objectives.